Ability Enhancement Course-I | English | 100 | 4 |
Core Course-I | Programming using C | 100 | 4 |
Core Course-I Practical | C LAB | 50 | 2 |
Core Course-II | Computer Organization | 100 | 4 |
Core Course-II LAB | Practical Computer Organization | 50 | 2 |
Generic Elective-I | Discrete Structures | 100 | 4 |
Generic Elective-I | Practical Discrete Structures LAB | 50 | 2 |
Short Story: Jim Corbett-The Fight between Leopards; Dash Benhur- The Bicycle Dinanath Pathy- George V High School; Alexander Baron- The Man who knew too much; Will F Jenkins- Uneasy Homecoming.UNIT-II
Prose: C V Raman-Water- The Elixir of Life; Harold Nicolson- An Educated Person; Cla ire Needell Hollander- No Learning without Feeling; Steven Harvey- The Empty Page; S antosh Desai-Emoji Disruption.UNIT-III
Comprehension of a passage from any of the prescribed pieces and answering the questions.UNIT-IV
Expanding an idea into a paragraph.UNIT-V
Language exercises-test of vocabulary, usage and grammar based on the prescribed pi eces Prescribed Text The Widening Arc: A Selection of Prose and Stories. Ed. Asim R Parhi, S Deepika and Pulastya Jani. Kitab Bhavan, Bhubaneswar. 2016.Suggested Reading:
Fluency in English – Part II, OUP, 2006 Communicative English. E. Suresh Kumar and P. Sreehari.DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
Database System : Database System Applications, Database Systems Versus File Systems, View of Data, Data Models, Database Languages, Database Users and Administrators, Transaction Management. Database System Structure, Appiication Architecture. Entity-Relationship Model: Constraints. Kevs, Design Issues, Entity-Relationship Diagram, Weak Entity Sets, Extended E-R Features, Design Of E-R Database Schema. Reduction of an E-R Schema 10 Tabies. .UNIT-II
Relational Model : Structure of Relational Databases. Relational Algebra, Extended Relational Algebra Operations, Modification of Database (Delete. Insert. Update). Views, SOL: Basic Structure. Set Operations, Aggregate Functions, Null Values, Nested Subqueries, Views. Complex Queries, Modification of the Database. Joined Relations, Data-Definition Language, Embedded SQL, Dynamio SOL. .UNIT-III
Um Domain Constraints. Referential Integrity Assertions, Triggers. Security and orization in SOL, Encryption and Authentication. Relational-Database Design: first Normal Form, Functional Dependencies. Decomposition. Desirable Properties of Decomposition). Boyce-Codd Normal Form, Third Normal Form. Fourth Normal Form. Overall Database Design Process. .UNIT-IV
Storage and File Structure: Overview of Physical Storage Media. Magnetic Disks. RAID, Teman Storage. Storage Access. File Organization. Organization of Records in Files, Data-Dictionary. bruge. Sert Processing: Measures of Query Cost. Selection Operation. Sorting. Join and Other Operations. Evaluation of Expressions.UNIT-V
Mansactions. Transaction Concepts, Transaction State, Implementation of Atomicity and Durability, Concurrent Executions, Serializability, Recoverability. Implementation of Isolation, Transaction Definition in SQL, Testing for Serializability. Concurrency Control: Lock-Based, Timestamp-Based. Validation-Based Protocols Multiple Granularity, Multiversion Schemes. Deadlock Handling, Insert and Delete Operations. Weak Levels of Consistency. Concurrency in Index Structures. Text book: Silberschatz. A., korth, H.F., and Sudarshan.S.: Data base System Concepts 4/edRecommended Books:
1. E. Balaguruswamy, “Programming in ANSI C”,4/e, (TMH).2. Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, "C: How to Program", 8/e, Prentice Hall.
3. J. R. Hanly, “Problem Solving & Program Design in C”, 7/e, Pearson.
4. B. Kernighan & D.M. Ritche, “The C Programming Language”, 2/e PHI.
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